Creating a Self-Care Cleaning Ritual

By Team Mitzie

At Mitzie we see the act of cleaning not as a chore but quite often a big part of life in which stuff happens. I have always been a fan of the saying that life is what happens when you’re busy making plans. I believe it’s quite often the case that life is what happens whilst you’re cleaning. In my family cleaning up after dinner is a fluid dance of tasks.

While it is never discussed who tackles which job, it miraculously gets done without mention of who is doing what. We carry out each task, washing up, drying up, cleaning the surfaces or taking out the bins like we have been pre-assigned on some imaginary, magical rota. After a speedy clean we put the kettle on and proudly acknowledge how quickly we managed to clean up with a nod to the saying that many hands make light work.

This is true although I find the distraction of chit chat and laughter helps speed things up. I know this may not be true for all but I enjoy these moments and I’m no mathematician but if I were to add up the time spent cleaning up after dinner I reckon one spends a good chunk of their life drying those dishes. 

When I think of those cleaning tasks that are carried out solo whether it be clearing up after dinner for one or cleaning the bathroom, the magic of a fluid dance of tasks is not how I would describe it. The solitude and distraction of your body carrying out small and familiar tasks one after the other offers the mind a chance to reflect and work through whatever sits heavily on those shoulders. A spring clean always feels incredible afterwards not only because of the fresh and clean home but because of the time you have given your mind to just think. 

Repositioning a cleaning routine as a ritual gives the solo clean the recognition it deserves. Self-care rituals are all the rage, rightly so. However, not everyone has time for endless bubble baths and face masks. Mitzie wants to encourage a cleaning ritual that feels luxurious and meditative. If you’re going to spend that chunk of your life cleaning, then why not make it special.

Aromatherapy can be an amazing mood enhancing tool to use throughout your home. Aromatherapy uses essential oils which have benefits ranging from calming to energising. Essential oils are often used to make candles and can be diffused around the room through steam. Lightning a candle or diffusing oils such as Lavender, Ylang Ylang or Grapefruit can be a lovely way to create whichever atmosphere best suits your mood. 

You may want to clean just with your thoughts but if you fancy a distraction pop on the radio for some background chatter or listen to a good playlist. I enjoy creating a playlist each month and have done so since May 2018 – which is still my favourite month of songs to this day. When I listen back to music of months gone by I am reminded of whatever was going on in my life at that time. This is a lovely way to reflect on where you were and where you are now.

So if you can jump in that bubble bath or put on that face mask then please do. If you don’t have the time or a bath, make your next clean a good one.